"Doing a WORLD of Good"

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's All in Your Mind - Part 2: Holosync®

About a year and a half ago, a buddy of mine turned me on to a technology he had just discovered himself. This buddy, a technophile absolutely committed to being on the bleeding-edge of emerging technologies, had found a meditation tool that was different from anything he’d ever used before. Called Holosync®, it is a technology that uses binaural “beats” – caused by slightly different tones sent to each ear independently – to create brainwave patterns characteristic of very, very deep meditation.

Based on his enthusiasm, I visited the Centerpointe web site, and did some investigation of my own. I ordered the Free Demo CD they offer, but after a little more reading I was so impressed by the technology and the testimonials, that I went ahead and ordered the Awakening Prologue – the first level of the program itself. (By the way – I am not an affiliate of Centerpointe, nor am I paid to endorse their products. I am also not even qualified to describe it. Please, please visit their web site and do your own research before you decide to try it.).

The Prologue is divided into two thirty-minute sections – the “Dive” and the “Immersion.” The Dive systematically pushes your brain from waking “alpha” waves to the “delta” waves characteristic of deep sleep. The Immersion portion maintains these delta wave patterns for thirty minutes. The binaural “beat” tones used to create these wave patterns create neural connections between the two hemispheres of the brain that allow the brain to function, again, in ways characteristic of those who meditate deeply for a very long period of time. Each successive level of the program changes the “carrier frequency” of the binaural tones, such that the neural connections continue to develop and grow –creating (according to Centerpointe) the brain function of 40-year Zen masters in a relatively short period of time.

The effects of these CDs on brain development is demonstrated by Centerpointe using brain scans, comparing those of “normal” people to the scans of Zen masters and those who had used the Holosync® technology. The technological underpinnings of Holosync® are extensively elaborated on the Centerpointe web site, and beyond the purview of this brief synopsis – I urge you to take some time to investigate their fascinating site.

What I experienced when I first tried the Awakening Prologue was shocking, to say the least. A little background might help.

I have always considered myself a failure at meditation. I am “blessed” with a mind so agile and active that turning it off for such necessary things as sleep and vacation has always proven difficult. So meditation has always challenged me. I would sit and play a soothing CD with headphones, and certainly didn’t move for thirty minutes or more, but my mind! Oh, the humanity! Chattering like a monkey and snapping me frustratingly from topic to topic beyond even my slightest control, my mind would just not let go.

In the first session of the thirty-minute “Diving” portion of the Awakening Prologue, I experienced a level of meditation so deep that it left me, literally, slack-jawed. The best part – it was effortless! I just sat with the headphones on, and the CD did all the work. I understood from their literature that I didn’t need to focus on my breathing, chant a mantra, or even try to control my thoughts at all – the binaural beats performed all the necessary changes in my brain without further effort on my part.

The experience of Holosync®, for me, was not entirely pleasant. I actually feel “pushed” by the CDs – the tones create an odd feeling of pressure in my head that was so unlike anything I had experienced before that it was a trifle unsettling. After awhile, I notice sounds in the CDs that were not apparent to me in the first few hearings. I have no idea what’s happening in my brain when I use this, but it’s as if the “pressure” is caused by the fact that my brain is trying to process stimuli that are so unknown to it that it knows no other sensation to associate with it besides “pressure.” As the appropriate neuronal connections develop over the first few hearings, previously imperceptible details and nuances begin to become audible. It’s a very odd and fascinating experience.

I understand that everyone reacts differently to the experience of Holosync®. Some have headaches; some apparently develop intellectual “obsessions” (say, a fascination with poetry); others have nausea or other physical responses. Some find it simply deeply relaxing. The latter, apparently, are those who do not “fight” the experience, and simply surrender to the process. The Centerpointe team provides wonderful customer support, assisting users through the mental and physical phenomena they experience as the technology does its work. And Bill Harris, the originator of Holosync®, sends a surprising amount of explanatory literature to clarify the effects of the technology – as well as fascinating insights into the realm of “Enlightenment.”

Having used the program now for the last year and a half, taking occasional hiatuses to allow the effects of the technology to “settle in” and to minimize the occasional physical symptoms characteristic of “quantum leaps” in personal development, I have observed my mind changing in ways I could not have predicted.

The result of Holosync®, according to Bill Harris, is a phenomenal increase in Awareness. And that has been my experience. I am able to observe my mind and its responses to stimuli in a manner that I never have before. I am able to apply lessons in spiritual development with much greater ease.

An example: I have a debilitating need to be right. When a situation arises in which I “know the answer” – particularly when others have just given the wrong answer – I’m like a kid in class, waving my hand madly to get the teacher’s attention. Since using Holosync®, I have been able to observe the action of my Ego in such situations, understand the sheer suffering caused for me and others by the action of my Ego in such situations, and – get this! – actually let go of my need to be right! The outward expression of this is unremarkable – I simply keep my damn mouth shut. But the inward expression of this change is astounding – my mind is at peace, I understand exactly what’s going on, and allow the other person to be right, without any emotional investment in the process. If that had been the only change since using Holosync®, it would have been well worth the price. But I also find myself more articulate (particularly in spiritual areas), better able to let go of the ceaseless chatter of my “monkey mind,” and more motivated to use this Awareness in other dysfunctional areas of my life.

Of course, your mileage may vary. Not everyone enjoys the action of this technology, and some of my friends who have tried it find the physical symptoms too troublesome to endure. As I said, I have had to stop from time to time because of headaches and other discomforts. But as for me, the upside has far outweighed the downside, and I have since signed up wholeheartedly to their “Inner Circle” – those who order the whole shebang (all levels of the program) at once. Every single piece of “wealth potential” literature I have ever read begins with the same advice: You’ve got to change your Mind. With Holosync® and a little bit of time, I am experiencing a truly changed mind, and perhaps more importantly, the willingness to keep on changing.

I’ll likely continue to discuss “Changing Your Mind” in upcoming posts. Understanding that my mind – clearly and obviously the source of all my problems – can actually be changed (as simple as that sounds) has been life-changing for me.

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